Anti-Stress Massage 60 Min.
Anti-Stress Massage loosens any tension that might reside in your neck, your shoulders and/or your back. In balancing the various parts of the body, this massage alleviates pain, reduces nervous tensions and loosens the muscles. You’ll experience a moment of true relaxation and rest. This massage is suited for persons with a physically demanding work as well as for those with a sedentary work, and for persons who do lots of sports. Benefits • Relaxes the muscles of the back • Relieves muscle tensions • Alleviates soreness or stiffness in the muscles • Helps to release toxins • Nourishes the skin and the tissue and makes them smoother • Helps to relieve stress • Improves sleep quality
Steinenbachgässlein 25, 4051 Basel, Schweiz
+ 41 61 271 22 97