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Prenatal Massage 90 Min.

1 Std 30 Min.
170 Schweizer Franken
Basel City


A prenatal massage session offers the mother-to-be a very special moment and the possibility to take some time for herself. This massage relieves the entire body and helps to better cope with the physical, hormonal and emotional changes during pregnancy. It harmonizes and boosts the energy needed. Step by step, stress and fears are released, leaving the mother-to-be in a relaxed and positive state, which also is healthy for the baby. After giving birth, please contact us for finding the best massage technique for your needs in order to improve your inner balance, as well as give you the strength and harmony you need. Benefits • Relieves tensions and muscle rigidity • Improves the blood and the lymphatic circulation • Enhances the oxygen supply to the cells and the tissues • Enhances the emotional „letting go“ during the massage session • Improves the breathing • Alleviates the physical tensions caused by carrying the child • Helps the mother to stay in shape and to feel well • Harmonizes the energy flow and improves sleep quality


  • Steinenbachgässlein 25, 4051 Basel, Schweiz

    + 41 61 271 22 97

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