Fascial Manipulation
60 Min. CHF 100.-
90 Min. CHF 140.-
120 Min. CHF 180.-
Fascial Manipulation is a leading-edge form of manual therapy that identifies abnormal adhesions, or “densifications,” within perimuscular connective tissues. This tissue is called “fascia.” These densifications are present in EVERY athlete, and almost everyone with back pain and when allowed to persist, they can significantly reduce your ability to generate force and power with your muscles and tendons, hampering performance and leading to recurrent pain and/or injury. By eliminating these adhesions through fascial manipulation, the force transmission returns to normal and pain rapidly resolves.
Fascial Manipulation can produce rapid relief of athletic and spinal injuries including back and neck pain, headaches, iliotibial band syndrome, plantar fascitis and other running injuries, shoulder pain, and knee pain. Regardless of the cause of these (and many other) painful ailments, complete and lasting relief is hastened through the use of fascial manipulation.
Our massage therapist incorporate the principles and techniques of Fascial Manipulation in their care, maximizing the performance of athletes, rapidly resolving pain and injury of all types, and helping to prevent recurrence of symptoms.
What type of problems can FM helps?
Headaches and Migraines Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar Pain
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Patellar Tendonitis
Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome Medial/Lateral Epicondylitis
Achilles Tendon Pain Wrist Tendonitis
Post Surgical Scars Sacroiliac Dysfunction
Plantar Fasciitis Ankle Sprains